Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

WATER HEATERS are devices for continuous heating of water in the local water supply system. Environmentally friendly insulation of water heaters. The CFC substance is not used in production. Designed and manufactured in accordance with modern standards for pressure vessels.

Price list


All NIBE products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant NIBE: geothermal heat pumps, air/water heat pumps, heat pumps with heat recovery of ventilated air, boilers, water heaters
  • Buffer tanks, tanks NIBE
    Buffer tanks, tanks
    series BU, BUZ, UKV, etc.
  • Solar collectors NIBE
    Solar collectors
    SOLAR series, etc.
  • Heat pumps air/air NIBE
    Heat pumps air/air
    ARIA series, etc.
  • Ventilation. heat pumps NIBE
    Ventilation. heat pumps
    series F370, F470, F750, etc.
  • Accessories NIBE
    AXC,ESC,ELK,FLM,PSC series, etc.
  • Split systems NIBE
    Split systems
    SPLIT series, etc.
  • Water heaters NIBE
    Water heaters
    series EL,ES,EKS,PUB SP,PEL, etc.
  • Electric boilers NIBE
    Electric boilers
    series EV, VV, etc.
  • Solid fuel boilers NIBE
    Solid fuel boilers
    VEDEX, PRELUX, PB, etc. series.
  • Recuperators NIBE
    GV-HR series, etc.
  • Heat pumps with recycling NIBE
    Heat pumps with recycling
    FIGHTER series, etc.
  • Geothermal heat pumps NIBE
    Geothermal heat pumps
    F1 series, AP-BW, etc.
  • Heat pumps air/water NIBE
    Heat pumps air/water
    series F2, AP-AW, etc.

About NIBE

NIBE Company (Sweden) is the largest manufacturer of geothermal heating equipment, as well as boilers, water heaters, boilers and other heating equipment.

    In its production, NIBE uses recyclable packaging materials, recyclable industrial waste and moves to production processes in which only recyclable materials are used.
  • quality

    All NIBE products are distinguished by high quality performance, competitive price and full compliance with current European standards.
  • effectiveness

    The use of NIBE heat pumps allows you to save up to 80% of the cost of thermal energy through the use of renewable heat sources (soil or groundwater).

Information Board NIBE

Learn more about our products NIBE.
  • Price list for heat pumps поставщика NIBE
    Price list for heat pumps
  • Price list for solar collectors на сайте NIBE
    Price list for solar collectors
  • Catalog of geothermal heat pumps изготовителя NIBE
    Catalog of geothermal heat pumps
  • Catalog solar collectors производства NIBE
    Catalog solar collectors
  • Catalog of Water heaters марки NIBE
    Catalog of Water heaters
  • Accessories catalog на сайте NIBE
    Accessories catalog
  • Product questionnaire производства NIBE
    Product questionnaire


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